Note: for use with the Dynon Skyview system only.
UAT Band Traffic and Weather Receiver Traffic and Weather for SkyView is a lightweight remote mounted receiver for ADS-B IN information that utilizes an externally mounted antenna for superior ADS-B reception.
ADS-B Weather
Subscription-free weather displayed on SkyView, including NEXRAD radar, METARs and TAFS. Airport weather data can be displayed for nearest airports or for a specific airport identifier.
ADS-B Traffic
Receives ADS-B TIS-B traffic with precise location, altitude, speed, and direction. Includes both traffic broadcast from other aircraft equipped with ADS-B UAT transmitters, and data broadcast from ADS-B ground stations. (Requires SkyView SVXPNDR-261/262 transponder, currently the only transponder which meets the requirements.)
TFR Information
TFR NOTAMs are displayed graphically on the navigation map.
Please note any ADS-B unit will operate within the USA only when in clear line of sight of an ADS-B tower (flying at a higher altitudes may be required to gain proper signal).
For more information please visit:
FAA Link
To Obtain This Feature:
You Need:
ADSB-B Traffic
SkyView System:
10-03932 or 10-03933
10-04518 or 10-04519
ADS-B Weather and TFR's
(US only in current ADS-B coverage areas)
SkyView System:
10-03932 or 10-03933
TIS Traffic
(Non-ADS-B. Available today for U.S in some primary radar coverage areas. SV-ADSB-470 replaces TIS with ADS-B traffic)
SkyView System:
10-03932 or 10-03933
10-04518 or 10-04519